The RECOMBINANTS is an international online art exhibition proposed by ZINC, l’Espace Multimédia Gantner et le Château Éphémère. With the support of Rhizome and DICRéAM (CNC, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication).
Can paintings, sculptures, performances, videos, photographies … be displayed online? Can these works exist outside the “tangible” and “physical” places of art (the gallery, the art center, etc.)? This exhibition raises theoretical and ideological questions about the materiality of works in the digital age.
The call for projects is extended for any professional and amateur creator and artist wishing to exhibit their work online, but also to any professional in the art world (curator, critic, mediator, teacher, researcher) wishing to propose an artist. All types of works can be offered: painting, sculpture, performance, net art, film, photography, sound art, drawing.
The exhibition will take place at the Friche la Belle de Mai from 25 August 2017, within the framework of the Art-O-Rama International Art Fair of Marseille. The exhibition will be online from 25 August 2017 to 25 January 2018 at the same internet addresses: recombinants.fr and therecombinants.com. The first selection of works will be broadcast online on August 25, 2017, on the occasion of the international art fair of Marseille “Art’O’Rama”. Other selections will take place until the end of the exhibition which will end on January 25, 2018. This exhibition is commissioned by Madja Edelstein-Gomez.
The call for projects is open until 6 August 2017. The projects are submitted online on the website, in French lesrecombinants.fr and in English on therecombinants.com.