Until December 16, the exhibition “Inlandsis” by the artist Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff explores the anthropocene with a sensitive and immersive track at the Centre Culturel de Gentilly.
Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff is a French filmmaker and new media artist, based in Paris. He explores the fragility of the world, using installations and performances. He depicts immersive and poetic audiovisual experiences to make visible what is not, twisting reality to extract other dimensions: some doors open onto universe full of mysteries.
« Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff prefers to respond with a poetization of climatic issues and contemporary environmental stakes. The “Inlandsis” exhibition is an alternative narrative of human activity and its impact on the world: the new climatic paradigms, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies, the challenge of the exit from nuclear power, of the preservation of the environment, all these themes are present here, but they are treated from an artistic point of view, transfigured by the attentive and poetic gaze of the artist. » M.Grugier
Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff takes a poetic and critical look at the precarious balances that we gradually impose on the environment in which we evolve, and reveals our fragility and vanity in trying to master the forces that transcend us.
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