From May 24 to 26 2018, the Festival des Arts Numériques (FAN) will present for its second edition an exhibition, conferences, and workshops at Saint-Orens de Gameville in France. ArtJaws is thrilled to announce its partnership and the talk of its founder, Anne-Cécile Worms, during the roundtable entitled “An inventory of digital creation: history, stakes & market”, with digital artists Lord Gilmore and Diego Ortiz.
The FAN wants to get the public to become familiar with new digital tools and to understand how digital technology is changing the arts, inviting them to meet those who live, those who talk about it, and those who invent or reinvent it, amongst which artists, collectives, local digital players, and personalities linked with the digital world.
In the hall of the Altigone space, three digital installations are presented which question our thirst for self-representation through digital technologies: Alphaloop, a virtual reality installation by Adelin Schweitzer, offers us a spiritual and shamanic vision, by diverting our most banal communication prosthesis (the smartphone) into an organ of perception. FFR, Fresh and Fading Rooms, an augmented reality installation by Diego Ortiz, crosses the corridor that brings us from the individual screen to the theater. Philippe Boisnard’s PhAUTOmaton, a network installation, will bring the community of a territory to life through the language and faces of the audience.
More information here
Cover: Diego Ortiz, Fresh and Fading Rooms © Diego Ortiz
1/ Philippe Boisnard, PhAUTOmaton © Philippe Boisnard
2/ Adelin Schweitzer, Alphaloop © Adelin Schweitzer