From June 8 to August 26, 2018, the Whitechapel Gallery in London presents «The London Open 2018» that brings together the most dynamic and critical contemporary art being made in the capital today. The latest edition of this triennial summer exhibition offers a free, lively space to discover new work and reflect on a time of significant change in this global city.
The exhibition features a diverse selection of 22 artists working in London and engaging with topical concerns; from the rapidly changing urban context, the environment, technology, gender and race to queer representation, human relations, activism and post-colonial histories. Many artists work in unprecedented ways and across different artistic forms, ranging from painting, video and sound to installation, sculpture, performance and work online.
The 2018 call for entries attracted a new record of 2,600 submissions. An expert panel comprising Emily Butler, Mahera and Mohammad Abu Ghazaleh Curator, Whitechapel Gallery; Cameron Foote, Assistant Curator, Whitechapel Gallery; artist Ryan Gander; Co-Owner of Hales Gallery Paul Hedge; Deputy Editor of Frieze Magazine Amy Sherlock; and collector Robert Suss embraced the challenge of choosing work to feature in the exhibition.
For « The London Open 2018 », Rachel Ara presents a monumental neon sculpture which continually displays its own value, calculated from a series of algorithms that reflect criteria such as age, gender, sexuality, race and provenance. The value of the artwork, displayed in brightly lit numbers, will change continually over the course of the exhibition. The exhibition closes with a video and sound installation by Tom Lock titled Within (2017). Extending across four screens, psychedelic forms and symbols surround and immerse visitors.
Artists: Larry Achiampong, Rachel Ara, Gabriella Boyd, Hannah Brown, Rachael Champion, Gary Colclough, George Eksts, Ayan Farah, French & Mottershead, Vikesh Govind, Richard Healy, Des Lawrence, Tom Lock, Céline Manz, Uriel Orlow, Rachel Pimm, Renee So, Alexis Teplin, Elisabeth Tomlinson, Jonathan Trayte, Tom Varley and Andrea Luka Zimmerman.
More information here
Cover: Rachel Ara, This Much I’m Worth (The self-evaluating artwork), 2017, 83 pieces of neon, steel, recycled server room equipment, electronics, computers, IP cameras, programming 420 × 160 × 90 cm, Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Anise Gallery
1/ Tom Lock, Within, 2017, Four screen HD video and surround sound installation, 07:00 min Commissioned by Focal Point Gallery, 2017 Installation view: Maximum.overdrive, Focal Point Gallery, London, 2017 Courtesy of the artist and Focal Point Gallery, London
2/ Des Lawrence, George Martin, 2016, Enamel on aluminium 167 × 239 × 4 cm, Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Todd White
3/ Richard Healy, Lubricants & Literature, 2016, HD Video, 07:50 min Digital film still, Courtesy of the artist and Tenderpixel, London