Archive d’une frappe /​ Mouvements pour batterie (extrait) – Music score and video

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Paul Destieu lives and works in Marseille, France. His researches question the evolution of media and their situation in our contemporary environment. His work is noticeably influenced by the history of technologies, languages, sound and cinema. His visual art practice often extends to a wider range of media, looking for new forms of expression and logics through sound, installation, digital practices and architecture. Read more

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Based on the electromagnetic motion capture of the drummer Damien Ravnich per­forming original track Himera by Post­coïtum. Embossed and edited at the Atelier Edition, Ecole supé­rieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence.

Mouvements pour batterie (extrait) consists of a four sheets score and a 3d animation, created in the frame of the research cycle Archive d’une frappe. The score covers the spatial X,Y,Z coordinates based on the motion of the two drumsticks captured as an xml code. Four different plates have been laser engraved with these data (rams and die plates) in order to emboss the printed paper score on a traditional percussion press. Once embossed, the stamped code fades into a subtle distortion of the paper sheet and turns the lines of the score into a dynamic visual vibration. An interpretation of this partition can be watched and listened as a 3d animation: a slow ghostly travelling spins 360° around two parallelepipeds, following the motion of the drumsticks in synchronization with the original track Himera.

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