Porcelaine de King Kong

 4000,00 Excl. Taxes

Born in 1960 in Paris, Juan LeParc has been working on the representation of the human body associating artistic and scientific practices since many years. As he melts anthropological body modifications and scientific images, he creates plastic universes full of hybrid and chimeric creatures coming from mythical imaginations. Read more

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Porcelaine de King Kong is part of the series “Fragile” started in 2010 on the theme of human fragility. The main mediums are porcelain and lace for its bourgeois delicacy associated to breakdown situations as cyber war, riots between humans and machines, the torturer robots, corruption of the expert systems and the high frequency algorithms. The elegance and fineness of the Asiatic porcelain is face to face with the prosthesis made of occidental porcelain for the ruthless economic wars.