She – Teapot

 6000,00 Excl. Taxes

Kim Joon, one of Korea’s most notable young contemporary artists, creates digital artworks exploring themes of desire, memory and youth using porcelain and tattoos as his digital mediums. He fabricates compositions out of tableware, fragments of idealized nudes, and icons of Western pop culture, including guitars, cars and guns. A master of the computer software 3D Studio Max, Kim successfully juxtaposes old and new, traditional Asian motifs and new media. Read more

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Kim Joon chose 3D animation techniques for his digital prints and moving images to explore the intervals and to mixe the host and object of desire. In his recent series of She, the bodies are fragmented and distorted. This hybrid form creates uncanny and uncomfortable balancing acts by crashing the real vs. fake, old vs new, who we want to be vs. who we are, self-definition vs. cultural expectations.

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