A collection of objects printed on the Internet, between artistic installation and commercial display. By printing the act of the purchase directly on objects belonging to the domestic sphere, Sophie Deltombe tries to leave a trace, a proof of this action. It is not the signature of the author who remains but the act of purchase itself.
More by Sophie Deltombe
Open/close Teeshirt
€ 99,99 Excl. Taxes SOPHIE DELTOMBE
Mugs panoramiques
€ 99,99 Excl. Taxes SOPHIE DELTOMBE
Torchon personnalisé
€ 99,99 Excl. Taxes SOPHIE DELTOMBE
Ajouter une image
€ 999,99 Excl. Taxes SOPHIE DELTOMBE
Windows Chair
€ 333,33 Excl. Taxes SOPHIE DELTOMBE
Sleep to do
€ 999,99 Excl. Taxes SOPHIE DELTOMBE