Morehshin Allahyari, Daniel Rourke - "The 3D Additivist Cookbook", 2016

Masaki Fujihata - "Voices of Aliveness", 2012
Until January 31, 2018, Art Center Nabi presents the exhibition “Neotopia: Data and Humanity”. The artworks utilizing ‘data’ from various fields of the society, culture, politics, economics present the ‘more humane society’. The exhibition includes the artworks from international media artist teams.
More than 90% of the world’s big data was created in the last two years due to a radical leap in AI by machine learning and deep learning. After the Why Future Still Needs Us: AI and Humanity project, which acknowledged the importance of human input, categorization, supervision, and evaluation of data for the coexistence of human and machine in the era of AI, Neotopia: Data and Humanity revisits the data that will enable dialogue, solidarity, and participation based on respect for differences.
From the pioneering media artists who have led various discourses based on media change from the beginning of the Internet to the present day to the millennials active in data production and participation on social media, artists make “Neotopia: Data and Humanity” by communicating across generations.
Hang Do Thi Duc is a media maker whose artistic work is about the social web and the effect of data-driven technologies on identity and society. Data Selfie aims to provide a personal and differentiated perspective on data mining, predictive analytics and our online data. The exhibition is on view through January 31, 2018, at Art Center Nabi, 144-2, Sokeuk-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea.
For details, visit: http://nabi.or.kr/