IAM – Internet Age Media is the platform that connects the futures of media, learning & the arts, cultivating the randomness of internet cultures. From April 27th to 30th the third edition of the IAM Week End annual meeting will honor “The Renaissance of the Utopias”.
IAM Weekend 17 will explore The Renaissance of Utopias, IAM’s annual research theme, with speakers sharing their perspectives across five interlinked talks sessions: Post-Contemporary / Post-Work / Post-Advertising / Post-Labels / Post-Reality. Present for this new edition more than 20 trend finders, independent publishers, and designers, artist, producer and creative director.
Here is the line-up:
SPACE10 – Kaave Pour, Creative Director; Bas Van de Poel, Head of Playful Research; Daniel Friis, Strategic Technologist; Stine Hein & Felix Nielsen.
Jon Rafman, Artist, Essayist, and Filmmaker;
Ash Koosha, Composer, Producer, Film director, and Futurist;
Monika Bielskyte, Creative Director, Strategist & Founder, ALLFUTUREEVERYTHING;
Form& – Manuel Dilone, Principal; Jim Schachterle, Principal; Andrew Chee, Interaction Designer; Carolyn Centeno, Head of Development;
Fernando Velázquez, Curator & Artistic Director, Red Bull Station BR;
Christian Cherene, Co–Founder, BeAnotherLab, Artist and interdisciplinary researcher;
Félix Magal, Founder, Museum of Internet;
Fabien Siouffi, Founder, Fabbula.
Jasmina Tešanović, Activist, Feminist and Filmmaker [who will present the closing keynote with Bruce Sterling];
and more…
Website: internetagemedia.com
IAM Journal: https://medium.com/iam-journal
Facebook: facebook.com/internetagemedia
Twitter: @iam_internet
Instagram: @iam_internet
Hashtag: #IAMW17
Manifesto: bit.ly/IAMManifesto