PULSAR The Open Art Prize is the first worldwide art award for collaborative works born of the encounter between the world of digital and artistic creation. Until 02 June 2017, artists are invited to participate and to put forward their creative project. ArtJaws is proud to announce its partnership with the PULSAR: The Open Art Prize, first edition.
Founded by Marine Ulrich and Alix Debussche, and on the initiative of Gilles Babinet (France Digital Champion at European Commission), the PULSAR The Open Art Prize aims to promote digital art. The interest of the project is to prefigure and question the uses of the cultural and artistic world that will prevail in the coming years. Participation is open to all creatives coming from different horizons or practices such as plastic artists, musicians, makers, designers, graphic artists, videographers.
“We created this prize to explore new territories and to demonstrate, at a chosen moment, that art and our digitized world can be pulled up. To claim loud and clear that creation in the digital age is not limited to technological prowess alone, it deepens its path in the evolution of our relation to the world, to others and to artworks. ” Marine Ulrich and Alix Debussche, the PULSAR The Open Art Prize
The objective of this initiative is therefore to create bridges in the creation process. The collaboration between two actors is essential for Marine and Alix, both founders of the price. Technology is not an end in itself, and the creative effervescence that emanates from a collaborative work seems to resonate in the artistic activity.
As part of this call for applications, a first selection of the different artistic and creative profiles will take place, and 50 candidates will be invited to a big meeting to find the right partner. The teams must send an innovative and convincing joint project to obtain a ticket to STATION F. After four days of prototyping and with the support of speakers (artists, curators or entrepreneurs), three duos will receive a creative grant ranging from 10 000 € to 30 000 €. The collaborative works will be exhibited from 9 December to 14 December 2017 at the CENTQUATRE – PARIS.
The call for participation ends June 02, 2017. More information about the call for application and dates are available on the PULSAR The Open Art Prize website and Facebook. PULSAR The Open Art Prize is supported by STATION F, CENTQUATRE PARIS, TechShop, lacompagnie.paris and Captain Contrat.