Joseph Kosuth - "New-York"

Félicie d'Estiennes d'Orves - "Étalon"
Nam June Paik said «Time is the most difficult term to define in our life since it is our life itself. To show or to reflect upon is already a paradox.» and this is accurately on what, Société, the exhibition platform based in Bruxelles, is focusing on when presenting the exhibition “Time” with 30 artists and collectives among which Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves, LAb[au], Bertrand Planes or Albertine Meunier, until November 12th, 2017.
After the exhibitions of ‘xerox’ and ‘modus operandi’ this show is the third of a chapter reflecting on the heritage of conceptual art in algorithmic art. As such, the exhibition is based on Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology of time differentiating the measuring of time (so called ‘Zeitmessung’); rationalisation, and the awareness of time (so called ‘Zeitbewustsein’), subjectivation of our Zeitgeist.
“Time” reveals difficulties related to reflection on objective and subjective time. Unlike many other notions, our understanding of time depends of our subjective perception based on an individual reference system which is differing of an exact, objective time notion. Time is such an elementary concept that while everyone knows what is pointed at, it is hardly impossible to describe it precisely.
Accordingly, the exhibition presents artistic models which challenge the notion of time from both different as unusual angles, ranging from objective models to measure and calculate time, to empiric exploration of natural phenomena, over the examination and interrogation of history, to the documentation of personal life experience and the play of individual mythology.
More information here
Cover picture: Joseph Kosuth – “New York”